This project was the process of creating a website using google sites, which is a free tool offered by google. This is a great tool to take advantage of as a teacher for communicating and providing resources for students and parents.
What went well?
Once I worked with it a little bit, I thought the process of creating the site went pretty smoothly. I like my end product and think it is easy to navigate and looks nice.
What went wrong?
Some simple things like deleting and rearranging pages was confusing at first, I could not figure it out so I googled it and found the answer, so that problem was easily fixed. I wish that there were more templates to choose from, but that is probably just because I am an art major and want mine to be pretty, but I am ultimately happy with my final product.
What I will do differently next time:
I would not really do much different next time, the process went well and I do not have any major complaints, hopefully I can continue to update this site and use it in my future classroom.
How I will use a class website in the classroom:
I will use this site to show my work and the students work, to share resources about artists we are learning about and different art sites that you can interact with at home to learn more about art. I will use this website as a tool for the students and teachers to get to know me and keep up with what we are doing in class.
Link to website:
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